About Katiana Shaw

Desiree Spierings

Katiana Shaw is a qualified sex and relationship therapist with a passion for helping people achieve their sexual goals as well as their relationship goals.

She has a Bachelor of Science (Communication) from the University of New South Wales, a Master of HIV, STIs and Sexual Health from the University of Sydney, a Graduate Diploma in Psychology from the University of New England and is currently completing a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Psychology with the University of New England. Her current Honours research focuses on sexual preferences.

Katiana is dedicated to furthering her knowledge in the sexual health field and regularly attends workshops and conferences. She has completed an internship with Impotence Australia, and recently completed a Domestic Violence Responder Competence course with Lifeline.

On a personal note:

Katiana was born in South Africa and has lived in Australia for 17 years. Her educational background in biological sciences stimulated an interest in sex and sexuality that led her to pursue tertiary studies in sexual health. She is passionate about helping others experience intimate and meaningful relationships as well as achieving a rewarding sex life.

Katiana says:

I believe that our relationships play an important role in who we are, allowing us to grow as individuals. However, sometimes relationships break down due to a variety of reasons resulting in anger, resentment, sadness or despair. I work to help repair intimate relationships, restoring the love, passion, intimacy and faith in one another that is needed to fuel a healthy partnership.

Sexuality is an important aspect of our lives and I believe everyone should have the right to embrace it, as well as the right to express sexual identity. This encompasses loving and accepting who you are, being comfortable with yourself, respecting yourself and your partners, being emotionally and physically intimate, and exploring your sexual desires freely.

In my work, I aid couples in restoring their relationship, treat a variety of sexual concerns or dysfunctions with individuals and couples, coach individuals and couples who are seeking spice in the bedroom and provide information about sex and sexuality to those wanting a bit more know-how. I also have a particular interest in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV and find it very rewarding to help affected individuals or couples realise that it is not the end of their sex life!

Most importantly, I believe everyone has the right to a healthy, safe and fulfilling sex life regardless of their gender, race, sexual orientation, or religion.

Educational Background

Tertiary Degrees:

Bachelor of Art with Honours in Psychology – University of New England

Graduate Diploma in Psychology – University of New England

Master of HIV, STIs and Sexual Health – University of Sydney

Bachelor of Science (Communication) – University of New South Wales

Additional Courses:

Domestic Violence Responder Competence Course – Lifeline, November, 2013

Professional Development:

IA Workshop – Sex Addiction, September 2012

IA Workshop – Sexual History Taking, September 2012



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