Treatment of the Human Papilloma Virus

There is currently no cure for the HPV virus.

In the majority of people their body's immune system clears the virus. Therefore it is important to keep healthy to help your body fight these viruses.

For women who have had Human Papilloma Virus detected on their cervix, it is important to follow-up with pap smears as advised by your doctor.

Visible warts can be removed by applying a paint or cream, freezing, diathermy (burning), or laser. Treatment can sometimes require several visits and recurrences can occur after any form of treatment. Please discuss which treatment is most suitable for you with your doctor or with a sexual health clinic in your area.

Prevention of the Human Papilloma Virus

Treatment of Human Papilloma Virus HPV

Genital warts are very easily transmitted. Using condoms and dams provides some protection, but it is important to remember they only protect the area of skin they cover. Many people carry the Human Papilloma Virus and have no symptoms, so you can catch it from a person who's skin looks completely healthy. Consider avoiding sex, when you have visible warts, as this is when you are most infectious.

A dam is a thin latex square held over the vaginal or anal area during oral sex. Using gladwrap is not a safe alternative to dams, but a condom split along one side and laid flat can be used as a dam. Dams are available from selected chemist. For more information on Dams, please visit

Vaccine for HPV

A vaccine is now available for young people to help protect against the Human Papilloma Virus, against types 6, 11, 16, 18, which are most strongly associated with cervical cancer, precancerous lesions and genital warts. For further information please discuss this with your local doctor.

Emotional Support

Finding out you have genital warts or the Human Papilloma Virus can be quite a shock and extremely stressful at first. You may even experience it as be challenging for your partner and for your overall relationship. It is important to overcome the emotional effects of genital warts or the Human Papilloma Virus.

Sexual Health Australia offers counselling and support for individuals and/or their partners who are feeling distressed about having genital warts or HPV. In the counselling sessions we would work on overcoming these emotional effects and you are encouraged to express your feelings and emotions. Additionally, we will provide further education and information about the condition and we will guide you in taking the appropriate steps to coping with you condition emotionally in day to day life. You are supported to develop goals and skills to deal with the challenge together and/or individually.  The counsellor is respectful and mindful of the individual and relationship challenges, and your norms and values.

If you wish to make an appointment with one of our friendly counsellors or require further information, please don't hesitate to contact us at:

For more information on our counselling sessions/appointments please click here.

We do not offer STI testing or medical advice, for an overall check up and medical treatment please contact either your GP or a Sexual Health Clinic in your area.


Sex therapy and Relationship Counselling is available in Sydney, New South Wales (NSW) -  Melbourne, Victoria (VIC) -  Adalaide, South Australia (SA) -  Perth, Western Australia (WA) - Darwin, Northern Territories (NT) -  Hobart, Tasmania (TAS) - Brisbane, Queensland (QLD) - Canberra, Australian Capital territory (ACT)


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